Drawing Blessings to the World

SPIRIT:                      AugustineMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 25, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C.  I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by […]

Closing Message for 2024 Love Boat Cruise

SPIRIT:          Peter            MEDIUM:       Al Fike       DATE:            August 13, 2024LOCATION:  Alaska, US   I come to be with you. I am Peter. Yes, your lights have brightened since you have come together. Indeed, you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, this endless journey, this passageway toward at-onement with God. As you grow in this […]

Warning and Reassurance for Earth Changes Becoming More Intense

Spirit: JosephusMedium: Al FikeDate: March 29th, 2022Location: Monroeville, PA, U.S.A. I am Josephus. I come to encourage you upon your particular paths and efforts in service in the world for you will be called upon to serve your brothers and sisters, to serve many in this changing world of yours for now the changes will […]

Earth Changes and Changes We Will Notice in Ourselves

Spirit: Seretta KemMedium: Al FikeDate: June 27th, 2021Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I am Seretta Kem. I come to speak to you of the changes that are happening in your atmosphere in your world. I am not referring to the climatic changes which for many of you have become obvious and demonstratable in your particular seasons. […]

The Importance of Circles of Light

SPIRIT: LukeMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: November 29, 2018LOCATION: Fitzroy Falls, N.S.W. Australia I am Luke and I wish to speak to you about the importance of the circles of light. These prayer circles that focus upon receiving the blessings of the Father’s love are intended to spread and multiply in the world. For each circle that […]