Preparing for Earth Changes

Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: January 18th, 2024Location: Barbados God bless you, beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. I wish to acknowledge the dear daughter on this day of acknowledgements. Indeed you may be surprised that there are angels who take it upon themselves to be with and bless those who are commemorating special days. […]

Time to Prepare for the Coming Changes in the World

Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: August 29th, 2023Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada Blessings to you, my students. I’m your teacher, Augustine. It is time to redouble your efforts in prayer, beautiful seekers of truth. For it is time to gird yourselves in light preparing for changes that are coming swiftly and decisively upon this world. I do […]

How to Pray

SPIRIT: JudasMEDIUM: Jimbeau WalshDATE: February 27, 2023LOCATION: Marietta Valley, Wisconsin, USA I am here, your brother in Christ, Judas, once of Kerioth. You have been encouraged time and time again to pray and some have used the word ‘unceasingly’ which to those in the human condition certainly seems a formidable task. What does this mean? Much has […]

The Meandering Road of the Human Condition

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: July 20th, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I come. I am Jesus. I wish to talk of the experience of life that most have in this world, that indeed for many, their path for life is a meandering one, one that is not truly focused, one that is filled with unexpected events […]

Lesson 2: Discusses Massive Failure of Electrical Resources Coming to Earth

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: June 23rd, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C., Canada I come, I am here Jesus. We will proceed with our project by addressing various subjects that may be of interest to those who are considering the outcomes and effects of Earth Changes upon the world. Since you are at this time experiencing a power […]

Warning and Reassurance for Earth Changes Becoming More Intense

Spirit: JosephusMedium: Al FikeDate: March 29th, 2022Location: Monroeville, PA, U.S.A. I am Josephus. I come to encourage you upon your particular paths and efforts in service in the world for you will be called upon to serve your brothers and sisters, to serve many in this changing world of yours for now the changes will […]

Escalating Earth Changes are Coming

Spirit: OrionMedium: Al FikeDate: February 12th, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada Greetings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I’ve been with this instrument since his awakening this morning. I wish to thank him for his willingness to cooperate with me tomorrow with our presentation to the symposium that is planned, for many are curious and […]

The Soul

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: November 5th, 2020Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come once again to speak as I have promised to do so. Before I begin, I wish to assure my dear brother and sister that their beloved friend (B) was indeed carried through into the spirit world […]

Who is James Padgett

SPIRIT: James PadgettMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: July 17, 2014LOCATION: Gibsons, BC Introduction: In my meditation this morning James Padgett came to me and asked if I would be willing to write a piece through dictation on his life 100 years ago. I think he wants to fill in some of the blanks for those curious about how […]