You Are All Holy Ones!

SPIRIT:          Yogananda             MEDIUM:       Al Fike        DATE:            September 13, 2024LOCATION:   Nashville, Tennessee  May the blessings of the Divine Love enter into your souls. Is this not what you come for? Is this not what you seek? I am Yogananda and I come to encourage you and to bring to you my message about love. You are all […]

God’s Love Permeates the Universe

SPIRIT: YoganandaMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 30, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC Good evening to you, my friends. I am Yogananda. God’s Love is available throughout the universe. It is available to every soul that inhabits the universe and there are many, my beloved friends. There are many. No matter the perspective, no matter where that soul resides, […]