You Are All Holy Ones!

SPIRIT:          Yogananda             MEDIUM:       Al Fike        DATE:            September 13, 2024LOCATION:   Nashville, Tennessee  May the blessings of the Divine Love enter into your souls. Is this not what you come for? Is this not what you seek? I am Yogananda and I come to encourage you and to bring to you my message about love. You are all […]

The Solutions to Your Problems Come with Faith

SPIRIT:          Augustine           MEDIUM:       Al Fike        DATE:            September 12, 2024LOCATION:  Nashville, Tennessee   The things that you speak of are challenges of faith. These things that you feel are holding you back from God are the things that you have built within your minds, your attitudes and your life reflecting that which is not of faith, but that […]

It Takes Our Prayer Power to Bring God and the Angels Close

SPIRIT: AugustineMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: September 7, 2024LOCATION: Lansing, Michigan  May the Father’s Love be upon you my beloved souls, children of the truth. I am your teacher, Augustine. I come to welcome you in this Circle of Light, to be with you in prayer and to help reinforce the light and conditions of love in […]

Stick to the Straight and Narrow Path – the Simple Truth of God’s Divine Love

SPIRIT:         Augustine        MEDIUM:      Al Fike      DATE:            September 3, 2024LOCATION:  Sechelt, BC    The beautiful Breath of God is upon you, my beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine, and I come to encourage you upon the path as I have done many times before, to help you keep upon the straight and narrow, the Path Divine […]

A Lesson in Practicing Compassion to Reach Soul Consciousness

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 31, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B. C. Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I urge you to have compassion, compassion for yourselves and compassion for others. A world that is indeed out of harmony and lacks much love requires compassion, requires your unbridled compassion for others. I know that each […]

Closing Message for 2024 Love Boat Cruise

SPIRIT:          Peter            MEDIUM:       Al Fike       DATE:            August 13, 2024LOCATION:  Alaska, US   I come to be with you. I am Peter. Yes, your lights have brightened since you have come together. Indeed, you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, this endless journey, this passageway toward at-onement with God. As you grow in this […]

Lesson 2: Discusses Massive Failure of Electrical Resources Coming to Earth

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: June 23rd, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C., Canada I come, I am here Jesus. We will proceed with our project by addressing various subjects that may be of interest to those who are considering the outcomes and effects of Earth Changes upon the world. Since you are at this time experiencing a power […]

Earth Changes and Changes We Will Notice in Ourselves

Spirit: Seretta KemMedium: Al FikeDate: June 27th, 2021Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I am Seretta Kem. I come to speak to you of the changes that are happening in your atmosphere in your world. I am not referring to the climatic changes which for many of you have become obvious and demonstratable in your particular seasons. […]