You Are All Holy Ones!

SPIRIT:          Yogananda             MEDIUM:       Al Fike        DATE:            September 13, 2024LOCATION:   Nashville, Tennessee  May the blessings of the Divine Love enter into your souls. Is this not what you come for? Is this not what you seek? I am Yogananda and I come to encourage you and to bring to you my message about love. You are all […]

You’re Not Sleeping! Souls Are Awakening!

Spirit:              Keea Atta KemMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 10, 2024Location:        Alaska Blessings to you, beloved souls. I am Keea Atta Kem. You all seek out your souls. You all wish to be in alignment with your souls, attuned to your souls, making your souls the precedence of consciousness for each moment, each time you are in […]