Congratulations on Integrating the Metaphysical (Spirit Mind) and Soul Perceptions

SPIRIT:                      Professor SalyardsMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        October 26, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, BC God bless you, my friends. I am Professor Salyards. I wish to congratulate you on your progress, how each of you has found a way to nurture and receive communication from us, your angel friends. Many of you are combining metaphysical manifestation and development within […]

Blesses Travelers Spreading the Truths of God’s Love

SPIRIT:          Confucius          MEDIUM:      Al Fike      DATE:            September 3, 2024LOCATION:   Sechelt, BC  May the blessings of God be with you, beloved and beautiful, precious children of God. I am Confucius and I come to relay a message to the dear travellers that, indeed, I will spearhead this journey. I will be close to you. In fact, there will […]

Drawing Blessings to the World

SPIRIT:                      AugustineMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 25, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C.  I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by […]

Be of Service in the World

SPIRIT:          James          MEDIUM:      Al Fike    DATE:            August 12, 2024LOCATION:  Sechelt, BC   May the blessings of the Father enter into your souls, my beloved friends.  I am James and I come to pray with you today and to encourage you as well. To encourage you as you venture out into the world, to be that shining […]

The Way of the Soul’s Journey

SPIRIT:                      Seretta KemMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 06, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C. I am Seretta Kem. I come to assure you that even though there may be some fundamental changes in your life, they will be for the better. You will benefit from what may happen in your lives that will unfold in accordance to God’s plan, […]

Your Yearnings for Truth (2024 Online Prayer Circles)

SPIRIT:          Jesus          MEDIUM:      Al Fike     DATE:            August 4, 2024LOCATION:   Sechelt, BC  Pray for the great gift of life for your soul, beloveds. I come. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens. I come to bless you and to be with you. I come because each of you yearns for truth and each of you […]

Reaching Soul Consciousness is the Next Step in Serving God (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 30, 2024           Location:        Sechelt, B.C …within your soul that you desire and God desires truly become a part of you. My beloved friends, I am Orion. For as these changes take place, as the light grows within your soul, as God continues to strengthen you with His Love, so the gifts […]

Leap Into the Glory of Soul Consciousness (2024 Online Circle of Light)

Spirit:              CopernicusMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 28, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B.C. Great blessings to you, my friends. May the gift of the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls, for this is the key to awakening and to truth. Love is that which permeates the universe and brings all things together in harmony. I am Copernicus. […]

Valid Truth Can Only Be Understood Through Soul Perceptions (2024 Direct Voice)

SPIRIT:              OrionMEDIUM:         Al FikeDATE:              July 27, 2024LOCATION:        Sechelt, B.C. Such an elusive thing, my friends, it is Orion. As you continue to discern truth with your mind, you will find that the filters and biases of the mind will continue to operate and create a distortion of truth. For absolute truth cannot be obtained through […]