The Way of the Soul’s Journey

SPIRIT:                      Seretta KemMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 06, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C. I am Seretta Kem. I come to assure you that even though there may be some fundamental changes in your life, they will be for the better. You will benefit from what may happen in your lives that will unfold in accordance to God’s plan, […]

Reaching Soul Consciousness is the Next Step in Serving God (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 30, 2024           Location:        Sechelt, B.C …within your soul that you desire and God desires truly become a part of you. My beloved friends, I am Orion. For as these changes take place, as the light grows within your soul, as God continues to strengthen you with His Love, so the gifts […]