Embrace Change

SPIRIT:                      OrionMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        October 25, 2024LOCATION:              Abbotsford, BC I am Orion. Change is a constant in the universe. God has made the universe as such that progress forward must take place. How is progress to be accomplished, but through change, through different elements working together and other elements coming into play until there is […]

A Lesson in Practicing Compassion to Reach Soul Consciousness

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 31, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B. C. Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I urge you to have compassion, compassion for yourselves and compassion for others. A world that is indeed out of harmony and lacks much love requires compassion, requires your unbridled compassion for others. I know that each […]

Assures Us Our Stellar Friends Will Provide What We Need When the Time Comes (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 6, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B.C. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Orion. I come once again to speak to you, to encourage you and hopefully inspire you toward soul progression. As you well know, this is the key to all that we speak of and all that is intended in […]

Assures Us Our Stellar Friends Will Provide What We Need When the Time Comes (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 6, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B.C. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Orion. I come once again to speak to you, to encourage you and hopefully inspire you toward soul progression. As you well know, this is the key to all that we speak of and all that is intended in […]

Reaching Soul Consciousness is the Next Step in Serving God (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 30, 2024           Location:        Sechelt, B.C …within your soul that you desire and God desires truly become a part of you. My beloved friends, I am Orion. For as these changes take place, as the light grows within your soul, as God continues to strengthen you with His Love, so the gifts […]

Valid Truth Can Only Be Understood Through Soul Perceptions (2024 Direct Voice)

SPIRIT:              OrionMEDIUM:         Al FikeDATE:              July 27, 2024LOCATION:        Sechelt, B.C. Such an elusive thing, my friends, it is Orion. As you continue to discern truth with your mind, you will find that the filters and biases of the mind will continue to operate and create a distortion of truth. For absolute truth cannot be obtained through […]

Earth Changes Coming Will Have Their Effects

Spirit: OrionMedium: Al FikeDate: May 11th, 2024Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada We thank you for attending, beloved souls. Your dedication and consistency is noted. God continues to guide you and uphold you as you continue to seek God’s blessings. Indeed as you continue to seek the Love of God, the Essence of His Soul, so it […]