Jesus Takes Us to the Hall of Peace
SPIRIT: JesusMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: October 27, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC May the peace that passes all understanding be with you, beloveds. I come. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom and your friend. I come to encourage you and to uphold you, for I love you so, my beloved friends upon […]
Opens Penuel Retreat. We Come to Share the Light
SPIRIT: Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 12, 2024LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee Blessings of the Father’s Love continue to infill your souls. My beloved brothers and sisters, I come. I am Jesus and I come to your gathering, sincere souls all gathered in this Circle of Light. You have drawn a host of angels into […]
A Lesson on Harmonious Decision Making, Continues to Bless Our Travels
SPIRIT: Augustine, Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 11, 2024LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee Love must be pervasive in every part of your life, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. You see the road before you and you wonder how you may traverse this road, what you must do in order to keep on the road, […]
We Are All Needed as Harbingers to Hold Up the Tent of Truth, Adds His Blessing to Moses’ Message
SPIRIT: Moses, Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 1, 2024 LOCATION: Sechelt, BC May the mighty blessings of the Father’s Love be with us all. I thank you dear child for your heartfelt prayer, for every word rang with truth. I commend you in your desires and efforts to reach for the highest. […]
Your Yearnings for Truth (2024 Online Prayer Circles)
SPIRIT: Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: August 4, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC Pray for the great gift of life for your soul, beloveds. I come. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens. I come to bless you and to be with you. I come because each of you yearns for truth and each of you […]
The Meandering Road of the Human Condition
Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: July 20th, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I come. I am Jesus. I wish to talk of the experience of life that most have in this world, that indeed for many, their path for life is a meandering one, one that is not truly focused, one that is filled with unexpected events […]
The Soul
Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: November 5th, 2020Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I am your brother and friend, Jesus. I come once again to speak as I have promised to do so. Before I begin, I wish to assure my dear brother and sister that their beloved friend (B) was indeed carried through into the spirit world […]