Jesus Takes Us to the Hall of Peace
SPIRIT: JesusMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: October 27, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC May the peace that passes all understanding be with you, beloveds. I come. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, Master of the Celestial Kingdom and your friend. I come to encourage you and to uphold you, for I love you so, my beloved friends upon […]
Time to Prepare for the Coming Changes in the World
Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: August 29th, 2023Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada Blessings to you, my students. I’m your teacher, Augustine. It is time to redouble your efforts in prayer, beautiful seekers of truth. For it is time to gird yourselves in light preparing for changes that are coming swiftly and decisively upon this world. I do […]