You are Links in the Legacy

SPIRIT: James PadgettMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 29, 1965LOCATION: Sechelt, BC What a privilege and honour it is to speak to you. I am James Padgett. My beloved friends, I know that I was an impure instrument in the world. Yet, look what God could accomplish through me. I am an example of how the blessings […]

Drawing Blessings to the World

SPIRIT:                      AugustineMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 25, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C.  I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by […]

Earth Changes Coming Will Have Their Effects

Spirit: OrionMedium: Al FikeDate: May 11th, 2024Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada We thank you for attending, beloved souls. Your dedication and consistency is noted. God continues to guide you and uphold you as you continue to seek God’s blessings. Indeed as you continue to seek the Love of God, the Essence of His Soul, so it […]

Preparing for Earth Changes

Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: January 18th, 2024Location: Barbados God bless you, beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. I wish to acknowledge the dear daughter on this day of acknowledgements. Indeed you may be surprised that there are angels who take it upon themselves to be with and bless those who are commemorating special days. […]