From Science to Spirituality: A Rational Pathway to Divine Love
By Keyn Camuglia How do you evolve from a place of hardened, science-led atheism to embracing the channeled teachings of Jesus Christ on Divine Love? It may be surprising, but many of us in the Divine Love community have made that journey. While the Divine Path eventually brings a wealth of subjective (and, occasionally, objective) […]
Congratulations on Integrating the Metaphysical (Spirit Mind) and Soul Perceptions
SPIRIT: Professor SalyardsMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: October 26, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC God bless you, my friends. I am Professor Salyards. I wish to congratulate you on your progress, how each of you has found a way to nurture and receive communication from us, your angel friends. Many of you are combining metaphysical manifestation and development within […]
You Are All Holy Ones!
SPIRIT: Yogananda MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 13, 2024LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee May the blessings of the Divine Love enter into your souls. Is this not what you come for? Is this not what you seek? I am Yogananda and I come to encourage you and to bring to you my message about love. You are all […]
A Lesson on Harmonious Decision Making, Continues to Bless Our Travels
SPIRIT: Augustine, Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 11, 2024LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee Love must be pervasive in every part of your life, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. You see the road before you and you wonder how you may traverse this road, what you must do in order to keep on the road, […]
It Takes Our Prayer Power to Bring God and the Angels Close
SPIRIT: AugustineMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: September 7, 2024LOCATION: Lansing, Michigan May the Father’s Love be upon you my beloved souls, children of the truth. I am your teacher, Augustine. I come to welcome you in this Circle of Light, to be with you in prayer and to help reinforce the light and conditions of love in […]
Blesses Travelers Spreading the Truths of God’s Love
SPIRIT: Confucius MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 3, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC May the blessings of God be with you, beloved and beautiful, precious children of God. I am Confucius and I come to relay a message to the dear travellers that, indeed, I will spearhead this journey. I will be close to you. In fact, there will […]
Stick to the Straight and Narrow Path – the Simple Truth of God’s Divine Love
SPIRIT: Augustine MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 3, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC The beautiful Breath of God is upon you, my beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine, and I come to encourage you upon the path as I have done many times before, to help you keep upon the straight and narrow, the Path Divine […]
We Are All Needed as Harbingers to Hold Up the Tent of Truth, Adds His Blessing to Moses’ Message
SPIRIT: Moses, Jesus MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: September 1, 2024 LOCATION: Sechelt, BC May the mighty blessings of the Father’s Love be with us all. I thank you dear child for your heartfelt prayer, for every word rang with truth. I commend you in your desires and efforts to reach for the highest. […]
A Lesson in Practicing Compassion to Reach Soul Consciousness
Spirit: OrionMedium: Al FikeDate: August 31, 2024Location: Sechelt, B. C. Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I urge you to have compassion, compassion for yourselves and compassion for others. A world that is indeed out of harmony and lacks much love requires compassion, requires your unbridled compassion for others. I know that each […]
Drawing Blessings to the World
SPIRIT: AugustineMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 25, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, B.C. I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by […]