God’s Love Permeates the Universe

SPIRIT: YoganandaMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 30, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC Good evening to you, my friends. I am Yogananda. God’s Love is available throughout the universe. It is available to every soul that inhabits the universe and there are many, my beloved friends. There are many. No matter the perspective, no matter where that soul resides, […]

Earth Changes and Changes We Will Notice in Ourselves

Spirit: Seretta KemMedium: Al FikeDate: June 27th, 2021Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I am Seretta Kem. I come to speak to you of the changes that are happening in your atmosphere in your world. I am not referring to the climatic changes which for many of you have become obvious and demonstratable in your particular seasons. […]