You are Links in the Legacy
SPIRIT: James PadgettMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 29, 1965LOCATION: Sechelt, BC What a privilege and honour it is to speak to you. I am James Padgett. My beloved friends, I know that I was an impure instrument in the world. Yet, look what God could accomplish through me. I am an example of how the blessings […]
The Importance of Divine Love Fellowship
SPIRIT: Keea-atta-Kem MEDIUM: Al Fike DATE: August 15, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC Beloved souls, I am Keea-atta-Kem. You continue to journey together upon this beautiful Path of Love, to make your connections and your relationships, your bonds and your fellowship. This is important to do so, to be within that group of harmonious souls seeking […]
Leap Into the Glory of Soul Consciousness (2024 Online Circle of Light)
Spirit: CopernicusMedium: Al FikeDate: July 28, 2024Location: Sechelt, B.C. Great blessings to you, my friends. May the gift of the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls, for this is the key to awakening and to truth. Love is that which permeates the universe and brings all things together in harmony. I am Copernicus. […]