SPIRIT: Professor Salyards
DATE: October 26, 2024
God bless you, my friends. I am Professor Salyards. I wish to congratulate you on your progress, how each of you has found a way to nurture and receive communication from us, your angel friends. Many of you are combining metaphysical manifestation and development within your spirit with soul awakening, so that in this combination and integration. You are coming to a place where all is in harmony with your soul and, to a certain degree, awareness of God’s Will in your lives. These little signs and signals, snippets of information, words spoken, feelings, energies as you call it, are all indications of a soul coming alive, awakening to its potential. These manifestations trickle forth into your consciousness, into your being and into your lives.
Allow that flow to continue. Do not squelch it or have feelings of doubt, but encourage these things. Have faith that indeed there is a tremendous process happening within your being that will change everything. You see these little dribs and drabs, these experiences, manifesting and informing your life. This is just the beginning, beloved souls, children of God. Just the beginning. You will find yourself wondering in amazement what will manifest and how it will manifest. There are many ways that God will manifest His Will into your lives, but each way that is given requires your attentive acknowledgement of it. Do not squander what is given in doubt or in reticence, but rather embrace it joyfully. Indeed, in God’s great Love for you, He is giving to you all that you require, the guidance that is necessary, the manifestations that are required and the blessings that flow.
All these things come abundantly. Some are so well-filtered out that you are completely unaware of them, while others bring a palpable expression into your lives. Yet, it is all from God. It is all a manifestation of God’s Love for each of you. So, you will find that as you grow in this Love and become in greater alignment with all that is of His Love and all that is of His Will, then these manifestations, blessings and communications will strengthen and multiply into great and wondrous things that will inform your life, even change your life.
Much is coming to each one of you. The dam just has a trickle of Living Waters flowing, the Will of God manifesting. Yet, in time, the floodgates will open and you will be swept away, not in a deluge of chaos and concern, but in a flow, a river of love, harmony and joy. Would that not be wonderful, my friends, to know this joy? This joy manifests in all the different ways and means that God has to awaken you, to nourish you and to guide you.
May you be blessed, beloved souls, in the wonderment of God’s Love, in the truth of God’s Love and in all the ways and manifestations that having and knowing God’s Love brings into your life. It is all there waiting and it shall come in a beautiful flow, ever stronger, ever deeper, ever more relevant to your lives. May you be blessed, beloved friends. I am Saylards, Professor Saylards, and I love you. Yes, many of us gather around each of you, for you are few and far between and we are many. So, we share in our ministrations, in our love, in our presence with each one. God bless you, beloved friends, in the truth of God’s Love. May you find all that you are looking for, all that your souls desire and all that God wishes to manifest. God bless you.
2024-10-26-AF-Professor Salyards