DATE: October 25, 2024
LOCATION: Abbotsford, BC
I am Orion. Change is a constant in the universe. God has made the universe as such that progress forward must take place. How is progress to be accomplished, but through change, through different elements working together and other elements coming into play until there is greater harmony and light? When your soul is developed as it is with the great gift of God’s Love, you are then able to perceive and accept the conditions and the situations that bring change, further development and greater harmony.
Change must be a constant in your lives. Even though it is within your human psyche to yearn for stability and routine, it is important to realise that with this predominant attitude, one resists change and therefore resists further development, further awakening, further understanding and expression of your soul’s continuous development and transformation. When you are open to what God brings into your lives and awakening every day to a new day and new opportunities, then you welcome change, you anticipate it and you appreciate it.
So it is for you, my beloved friends. You are continually open to the blessings that God has to give to you, to the efforts that your angel friends, stellar friends and bright spirits make on your behalf, in order to open new doors and create new opportunities for you to experience life, for you to be a servant in light in this world and for you to understand truth in a deeper way.
Change is a constant. Indeed, you have experienced this in your life and will continue to experience it. Be open to what life has to offer to you and be welcoming to what comes, even if it may appear to be a challenge. Welcome it as an opportunity to grow and to awaken further. You are under God’s cloak of protection, so therefore no harm will come to you, no dark conditions will be infused into your life. Rather, what may appear challenging may be a gift and a blessing, so that you may shift in your consciousness, your attitudes and your actions to ensure greater harmony and greater light. Change is a blessing. It comes in many forms. It is expressed in many ways, but it is part of the laws of God, the Laws of Creation. Thus, embracing change and welcoming change is a sign of spiritual maturity and insight.
I encourage you, beloved souls, to continue to accept change as a part of your life and a part of everyone’s life. Life cannot remain static, for if it did, the great plans of God would not be realised. The motion of the universe cannot be inhibited by your resistance and your fear. Rather, accept and be a part of the change that is happening in your lives and do so with faith, strength and wisdom, loving your life as a gift from God, loving all that comes with it as a gift from God.
You will continue to experience changes, shifts in attitude, even in your living conditions and who you meet and how you conduct yourself in the world. These are all a reflection of change and the blessing that comes with change brings different experiences and conditions into your life. You are blessed by knowing and understanding the importance of shifting within your life all aspects and things that will bring greater harmony and truth. In this way, you release those conditions that are less of harmony and truth. With love, you are centred in light and therefore you are able more readily to accept change in your life.
With the perceptions of the soul, you can see the importance, relevance and power of change that will bring greater harmony. Use your gifts to support your journey. Allow what you see and know to inform your journey. Allow God to bless you with insight and guidance so that you are able to step forward with confidence and with faith. Not with fear, trepidation and suspicion, but with that strength and wisdom of the soul that allows you to accept and embrace all that is given.
May you be blessed, beloved souls, with peace, with love, with light. Allowing all that God has to give to flow to you, embracing and accepting these gifts and blessings and being at peace in your life. May you be blessed, beloved souls, in all that is good, all that is in harmony, all that leads you to greater harmony and light. I am your friend, Orion, and my love is with you all. Beautiful souls in the light, beautiful souls progressing upon the journey filled with surprises, change, gifts, blessings, upliftment and joy. As God’s Love continues to awaken you to these things, so it will be easy for you to journey forward, my beloved friends. God bless you. Orion loves you. God bless you.