A Harmonious World Based on Honesty, Truth and Loving One Another is Coming!

SPIRIT:                      Josephus
MEDIUM:                   Al Fike
DATE:                        October 26, 2024
LOCATION:              Sechelt, BC

The world changes and so do you, beloved souls. I am Josephus and I come to speak to you about a changing world. More precisely, I come to speak to you about a world that can be, as a result of these changes. Think of a world where humanity has a sense of unity, a sense of love and respect for one another. A world where no secrets are kept, for in this world, each and every individual is aware of the true thoughts and nature of other individuals in their circles of connection. This will be made possible by the awakening of the soul. In this awakening comes the consciousness of true understanding and the perception of another individual and their consciousness. In this way, the deceit and unloving expressions of individuals cannot be accepted nor tolerated, for their intentions will be made clear before they are even expressed.

This is a world in which the choice to love, respect and honour one another must be the predominant condition and desire of all humanity. This is a world where individuals  express themselves in a way that not only damages others, but damages your beautiful world and damages all that which is of light. Thus, this cannot be in such a world where truth predominates and love is present.

So, I say these things, beloved souls, because the changes that are happening now, the changes that are happening within you and the changes that will continue to shape your world will result in the awakening of humanity, so that individuals are not able to live in distortion, greed and negative, destructive thoughts and intentions. This, what we call the human condition, will disappear. In its place will be a need for such deep honesty, deep integrity and deep love, that the world of today will not survive or exist, because so much of it is founded upon the darkness of human intention and expression.

So, deep changes are coming, beloved souls, as are deep changes within yourselves. Though you walk with shades of grey and beautiful light commingling within your consciousness, those shades of grey are continuing to be transformed and eradicated by the great Love of God that exists within you. You are the forerunners of this transformation. Indeed, when you feel like you are out of harmony and out of sorts, this is merely because the transformational process that is happening within you is affecting your superficial mind and consciousness, so that you are in conflict within yourself. Those parts of you that are not relevant anymore, that are vestiges of old habits and patterns that are not of love and not of light, are struggling to hang on, to continue to exist within you.

There is a part of you, that which is within your mind, that believes that without these parts, these messages that are not in harmony with the laws of love, you may disappear, you may be lost. Of course, this is a fallacy and you will be more yourself than ever. Yet, within your mind are entrenched beliefs and conditions that continue to hold you back. They are well adhered to your consciousness and yet, they cannot truly persist or exist within you as the Love of God infiltrates and transforms every part of you, every part of your consciousness, so that you become that transformed being that you are meant to become.

The first part of that process is eradicating all things that are not in harmony with love. Of course, in this process, it is subject to free will. Thus, it is your choice whether you will hang on to these things that are not relevant anymore. You hang on because of fears, biases, judgements and old conditions, patterns that you have used to survive in a difficult world. But now, you are a changed creature. You are an individual who is shining forth in light and love and yet you carry these dark places almost as a memory of the person you once were. Now it is time to release these things, memories, patterns and embrace that which is newfound in love. That which glorifies the truth. That which is of great light.

For who will lead others into the light as changes happen in your world? Who will have feet firmly planted upon the earth and yet with perceptions, abilities and gifts, things that you pray for, expressed in all their beauty, glory, effectiveness and power? The expression of love in everything that you are and in everything that you do. Now is the time to look within and recognise those dark places. Even though you have lived with them for many years and they seem so very much a part of you, and you have acclimatised to these conditions, it is time to take a critical look, to be aware and honest with yourselves. For in this new world of honesty and awareness, these things cannot exist. The environment, the conditions that God is creating on your world, will continue to insist upon light, harmony and love.

Since this is your intention and desire, you must come to be in alignment with those conditions that God is creating and pouring upon your world. Yes, it is causing great discomfort for many, a restlessness and a desire to be free of the heaviness of the dark conditions that most carry. Within you, there is joy with the anticipation of this clarity and healing that must come, but there is also a pattern within many of you to hide those dark places, to not acknowledge them and to not confront them. This is because you wish so intensely to be in the light and to be a light. You have made your mind up. You have decided that this is what you want to be. With this attitude, often you shirk the recognition and acknowledgement of those places that are not in harmony. It is like you wish to avoid a sense of deflation and frustration around possessing these things that are so common within your consciousness and yet they do not come to full consciousness.

Bring them fully into your awareness. Walk within for a while. Consciously observe yourself in this and I urge you to pray for the healing and dissolution of these things. It is time for all of you, beloved souls, to put away for good those conditions that weigh you down and bring to you pain, distortion and unhappiness as you deny yourself true and glorious light and love in all parts of your being, all parts of your mind and your soul mind. These things must come to be. They are eager to come to be and they exist within you already, because you have the seeds of that consciousness of love within. So, those seeds must flourish and become great and mighty, beautiful creations of God, those creations that God put within you as potentials that must come to the fruition and realisation of what they are. We call them gifts, faculties of the soul, but also faculties of the mind, faculties of the body, of all parts of you that must come into harmony and light, coming to the realisation of their true potentials. The timing of which is completely up to you, beloved souls. You have a choice. Each day brings its choice. Each day brings its gifts and each day will challenge you in terms of releasing conditions that are not in harmony with your true self and with love.

Be aware, with your eyes and ears open. None of you are free of these things. Some of you are more free than others, but still, there is work to do, in order to be free in the light and in the true joy of that freedom and light. May you continue to strive, to seek, to long for the great gift of God’s Love, for this will give the power and the impetus to dislodge these conditions and transform them into light. You are quite capable now of walking this path, in the purity that is meant to be walked within. So, I give you these urgings, this guidance. I am with you, my friends, in your struggle and your desire.

I am Josephus and my love for you is great. You may not hear from me often, but know that I am with you often, as are many. Such a great retinue of beautiful, Celestial souls who continue to stand by you, to support you and uphold you. So many, so very many, not to mention your stellar friends and beautiful bright spirits who are engaged in assisting you in daily life. You are truly blessed, beloved souls. Now live up to these blessings, be these blessings true and pure and you will find yourself upon a road filled with joy, filled with insight, filled with strength, filled with love and filled with wisdom. These things you desire, and these things shall come in the stead of your efforts and the blessings and efforts of God and all that is part of God. God bless you. God bless you all, beloved souls.
