Warriors of Light

SPIRIT: Isaiah
DATE: September 9, 2024
LOCATION: Indianapolis, Indiana

…for the warriors of truth. I am Isaiah and I come to encourage you to take up arms, so to speak, to be brave and to confront the darkness. For there is much in the world that needs to be corrected and healed, transformed from darkness to light, from error to truth. You must take up the challenge. Walk with a directness and desire to be God’s helping hand, His channels of love. For without you, where are the warriors? Who are those who are willing? 

You cannot turn your back to God, my beloved and beautiful friends. You must face God and say, “I am willing to be your instruments, your warriors of truth and walk with my head held high, walk with faith that you shall guide us, dear God, and that we shall indeed be truthful and, with integrity, take this journey.” Accept this designation as God’s true warriors for light. Not stepping back from challenging conditions, but stepping forward no matter what the conditions, no matter what may be in your presence and be steadfast, toward those resisting your efforts. 

Be true to your commitment. Be true to God’s Will and all that God desires of you. All plans that are made that include you will be manifest and will have the blessing, the strength and the fortitude to be true to the Will of God, and to be steadfast against the darkness, to be in the light truly, with light flowing, the power of God’s Touch manifest through you. The truth expressed with every word as you continue to walk this path of truth of the highest, of love of the highest, of work, great work that is of God’s desire and plan for you. 

Be not frustrated nor downtrodden with what is and what can be manifest in the human condition. Rather, be steadfast and true and you will find yourself bringing light unimaginable, the power of which will dispel much darkness and much error. You continue to learn and grow, beloved souls. You continue to grow in the Father’s Love. You continue to grow in your knowledge. You continue to grow as you communicate with one another and seek out what is truth and what is harmonious. So, you shall continue upon this journey and in time become great leaders, prophets for your time. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Isaiah and I love you, beloveds. God bless you.