SPIRIT: Augustine
DATE: October 27, 2024
Beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. Of all the history of humanity’s struggles, you live in a time where you are assured that your material needs are met. There are many, of course, upon your world who struggle in this regard, but each of you, beloved souls, has been blessed deeply and assuredly that these needs are met. The struggles that you carry, the burdens that you carry, are things of your own mind’s creation and attachment to patterns and places within yourself that keep you from God. Thus, you have won half the battle because you are not distracted by the need for material survival.
What is your challenge is clearing away the obstacles of being with God in a purity and completeness that brings deep communion with your Creator. So, I urge you, as our beloved Master has spoken, to be in the truth, the freedom that is God’s Love. Be true to your own soul’s desires and know that we are with you in this, upholding and supporting you in all the ways that we are able. The power of this support is determined by your thoughts and desires, by your prayers and your efforts. You must open the door for us. You must open the door for God. When you do so, you challenge the world in its darkness as it continues down a road that is not meant to be.
As you awaken further to the truth of God’s Love, to the truth of your own soul, and you affirm God’s intention for the world, you become the light that is needed in the world. You become the example and you bring the truth of His Love forth into the world. Do you not see how needed you are, beloveds? How important it is for you, of all people, to put aside the pain and the anguish, the angst and the darkness that is so much a part of human existence and live within the joy and light that beloved Jesus talks of and will guide you toward.
It is truly a matter of choice, beloveds. It is your daily choice, your momentary choice. It is the one choice above all else that will lead you out of darkness into the light, will bring great peace and joy to you and will bring the truth into your conscious self so that you may truly know what it is that God wishes to give to you and the life that is meant for you. It is laid out before you, a great feast for the soul. Come forward and eat your fill, receive all that is meant and you will know the fruits of your efforts and bring other souls to this table.
God bless you, beloved souls. Your teacher, Augustine, loves you. Again, I come to remind you of what is important and what shall lead you into grace and joy. God bless you. God bless you all.