Reaching Soul Consciousness is the Next Step in Serving God (2024 Direct Voice)

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 30, 2024           Location:        Sechelt, B.C …within your soul that you desire and God desires truly become a part of you. My beloved friends, I am Orion. For as these changes take place, as the light grows within your soul, as God continues to strengthen you with His Love, so the gifts […]

Leap Into the Glory of Soul Consciousness (2024 Online Circle of Light)

Spirit:              CopernicusMedium:         Al FikeDate:              July 28, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B.C. Great blessings to you, my friends. May the gift of the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls, for this is the key to awakening and to truth. Love is that which permeates the universe and brings all things together in harmony. I am Copernicus. […]

Valid Truth Can Only Be Understood Through Soul Perceptions (2024 Direct Voice)

SPIRIT:              OrionMEDIUM:         Al FikeDATE:              July 27, 2024LOCATION:        Sechelt, B.C. Such an elusive thing, my friends, it is Orion. As you continue to discern truth with your mind, you will find that the filters and biases of the mind will continue to operate and create a distortion of truth. For absolute truth cannot be obtained through […]

Earth Changes Coming Will Have Their Effects

Spirit: OrionMedium: Al FikeDate: May 11th, 2024Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada We thank you for attending, beloved souls. Your dedication and consistency is noted. God continues to guide you and uphold you as you continue to seek God’s blessings. Indeed as you continue to seek the Love of God, the Essence of His Soul, so it […]

Preparing for Earth Changes

Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: January 18th, 2024Location: Barbados God bless you, beloved souls, I am your teacher, Augustine. I wish to acknowledge the dear daughter on this day of acknowledgements. Indeed you may be surprised that there are angels who take it upon themselves to be with and bless those who are commemorating special days. […]

Prepare for Changes that are Now Upon Us

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: October 14th, 2023Location: Laurelville Retreat, Pennsylvania, USA I wonder whether you can feel the changes of your heart, soul and mind? Are you able to see that things will unfold in accordance to God’s Laws, that you will be a part of all that is meant to be at this time? […]

Time to Prepare for the Coming Changes in the World

Spirit: AugustineMedium: Al FikeDate: August 29th, 2023Location: Sechelt, B.C. Canada Blessings to you, my students. I’m your teacher, Augustine. It is time to redouble your efforts in prayer, beautiful seekers of truth. For it is time to gird yourselves in light preparing for changes that are coming swiftly and decisively upon this world. I do […]

How to Pray

SPIRIT: JudasMEDIUM: Jimbeau WalshDATE: February 27, 2023LOCATION: Marietta Valley, Wisconsin, USA I am here, your brother in Christ, Judas, once of Kerioth. You have been encouraged time and time again to pray and some have used the word ‘unceasingly’ which to those in the human condition certainly seems a formidable task. What does this mean? Much has […]

The Meandering Road of the Human Condition

Spirit: JesusMedium: Al FikeDate: July 20th, 2022Location: Gibsons, B.C. Canada I come. I am Jesus. I wish to talk of the experience of life that most have in this world, that indeed for many, their path for life is a meandering one, one that is not truly focused, one that is filled with unexpected events […]