Warriors of Light

SPIRIT: IsaiahMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: September 9, 2024LOCATION: Indianapolis, Indiana …for the warriors of truth. I am Isaiah and I come to encourage you to take up arms, so to speak, to be brave and to confront the darkness. For there is much in the world that needs to be corrected and healed, transformed from darkness […]

It Takes Our Prayer Power to Bring God and the Angels Close

SPIRIT: AugustineMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: September 7, 2024LOCATION: Lansing, Michigan  May the Father’s Love be upon you my beloved souls, children of the truth. I am your teacher, Augustine. I come to welcome you in this Circle of Light, to be with you in prayer and to help reinforce the light and conditions of love in […]

Blesses Travelers Spreading the Truths of God’s Love

SPIRIT:          Confucius          MEDIUM:      Al Fike      DATE:            September 3, 2024LOCATION:   Sechelt, BC  May the blessings of God be with you, beloved and beautiful, precious children of God. I am Confucius and I come to relay a message to the dear travellers that, indeed, I will spearhead this journey. I will be close to you. In fact, there will […]

Stick to the Straight and Narrow Path – the Simple Truth of God’s Divine Love

SPIRIT:         Augustine        MEDIUM:      Al Fike      DATE:            September 3, 2024LOCATION:  Sechelt, BC    The beautiful Breath of God is upon you, my beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine, and I come to encourage you upon the path as I have done many times before, to help you keep upon the straight and narrow, the Path Divine […]

A Lesson in Practicing Compassion to Reach Soul Consciousness

Spirit:              OrionMedium:         Al FikeDate:              August 31, 2024Location:        Sechelt, B. C. Blessings to you, my friends. I am Orion. I urge you to have compassion, compassion for yourselves and compassion for others. A world that is indeed out of harmony and lacks much love requires compassion, requires your unbridled compassion for others. I know that each […]

God’s Love Permeates the Universe

SPIRIT: YoganandaMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 30, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC Good evening to you, my friends. I am Yogananda. God’s Love is available throughout the universe. It is available to every soul that inhabits the universe and there are many, my beloved friends. There are many. No matter the perspective, no matter where that soul resides, […]

You are Links in the Legacy

SPIRIT: James PadgettMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 29, 1965LOCATION: Sechelt, BC What a privilege and honour it is to speak to you. I am James Padgett. My beloved friends, I know that I was an impure instrument in the world. Yet, look what God could accomplish through me. I am an example of how the blessings […]

Encourages Us to Take Action

SPIRIT: Alec GauntMEDIUM: Al FikeDATE: August 27, 2024LOCATION: Sechelt, BC I want to encourage you to be proactive in your lives. For life is but a series of choices and a series of opportunities. When you act in wisdom and love, you might do that which is of light, that which is harmonious and hopefully […]

Drawing Blessings to the World

SPIRIT:                      AugustineMEDIUM:                   Al FikeDATE:                        August 25, 2024LOCATION:              Sechelt, B.C.  I am Augustine. The world needs more of this sort of effort, drawing divine blessings and love to it. For as you are blessed, beloved souls, so you bring greater love to your world, and your families and friends benefit from this. You are cleansed by […]