DATE: September 12, 2024
LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee
Blessings of the Father’s Love continue to infill your souls. My beloved brothers and sisters, I come. I am Jesus and I come to your gathering, sincere souls all gathered in this Circle of Light. You have drawn a host of angels into your midst. You have drawn the Touch of God upon your soul. Thus, we are all united in light, in love, in peace, in the expansiveness of God’s Love. Yes, you certainly will contribute to this place with your prayers. You will contribute to yourselves with prayer and the light shall grow, my beloveds. The light shall grow ever brighter, ever clearer, sparkling, infusing, healing and expanding. God’s Love bringing you to new heights of communion with your Creator. God’s Love bringing deep peace to each one of you. God’s Love bringing the depth of healing, resolution and transformation to each one of you.
As you pray together, you are a conduit of blessings for many others. Your families, your loved ones, those who are here in this area and many more who are praying with you from other places. You are a part of a great network, a beautiful network of light. The Lattice of Light is empowered by your prayers. The blessings go forth and God utilises every gift, individual and soul who are a part of this great truth and great desire to be close to God and to know His Love. That it may be a part of each soul here and grow accordingly. My beloveds, breathe in the atmosphere of Love, what the Holy Spirit has brought into your midst. Take it in. Drink it in. Open yourselves to this gift and all other blessings will follow, beloved souls. All other blessings that God means for you to have will flow abundantly upon the heels of this Love. Beloveds, beloveds, you are blessed. We are blessed. Together we are the light, the unified truth burning within each of our souls, expanding as we pray, glowing and flowing out into the world. God bless you, my beloveds. I am your brother and friend, Jesus, and I love you. We are truly within the oneness of the Truth of God’s Love. God bless you. God bless you all in love.